Mad March ends, but the festivals are just getting started.
Adelaide Fringe has wrapped up another successful season (with an extended week of fun!). We were privileged enough to work with some incredibly talented Fringe artists this year and witness the amazing performances first-hand!
Congratulations to all the artists (especially Arcadia - Bohemian Cabaret, Moist and Soggy, Someday - A Mindful Cabaret and Cab Suave) for completing the season despite challenges thrown their way with COVID in the mix! And a special mention to Cab Suave, Port Adelaide's Big Picture Series and Moist, who all took home a weekly award!
Looking ahead, today we're working with Fringe poster artist Mali Isabel to announce her debut solo exhibition, coming to Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute this April!
As the weather cools and the leaves change colour, we're heading straight into the Autumn/Winter festival season. Adelaide is lucky enough to have a busy mid-year festival schedule, and Rebel Yell is teaming up with three of the biggest!
We're working with Cabaret Fringe, Beer & BBQ Festival and Music SA's Umbrella Festival throughout June and July to celebrate local music, art and the venues that champion them!
No hiding under the blanket this winter! We'll be working away to bring a thriving, colourful community of music and art to the streets of Adelaide!